Volunteer Opportunities
Columbia Tusculum needs your help!
If you would like to get more involved in your community and make new friends, consider volunteering! See specific events and projects below needing help:
Organized Cleanup Programs:
Great American Clean-up
Community Garden
Go Cincinnati with Crossroads
Neighborhood Cleanups Make a Difference! Studies show our surroundings have a profound impact on our well being. A clean neighborhood creates pride and can have positive effects on image, property values, and other social & economic aspects in our neighborhood!
We are looking for a (volunteer) project coordinator to lead neighborhood cleanup projects! If interested, contact us at ccct@columbiatusculum.org
Mentors for Riverview East Academy students
The Community Services Branch of the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati has over 30 children involved in the afterschool program at Riverview East who would like to have mentors. Mentors are invited to come and spend an hour a week between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 participating with the students of Riverview East during afterschool. Mentors must be at least 23 years old and be able to pass a background check and undergo 15 hours of training over a 3-4 week period. The children of Riverview are excited about the opportunity but we need more mentors.
Contact: Andrea Laudat Blackmon, Mentoring Coordinator, Community Services YMCA at 513.246.3233 or e-mail ablackmon@myY.org.
Irish Heritage Center of Cincinnati
Help IHC with developing their Library, Kitchen, Museum, Memorial Garden, plus Genealogy. People needed for continual projects of plastering, plumbing, electrical, lighting, painting,flag pole & clean up at the 3905 Eastern Ave building. All of this to create a tremendous tribute to Ireland and our community.
Contact: Maureen Kennedy, IrishAmericanTheaterCo@fuse.net, 513-225-6915
Special Project Help
Is your time limited, but you’re still willing to help on an ad hoc basis? We can match you with current needs. Let us know your time availability or the kind of skills & interests you have to offer. We’ll keep you in mind as things come up.
Let us know at: ctcc@columbiatusculum.org
